JOIN US ON SUNDAY During our Sunday worship gatherings, Sunday School and Kid’s Church engages children with the life-changing truth of the gospel. We teach children the Bible and encourage them to engage with God’s mission to make disciples of all nations through fun, engaging, and age-appropriate programming.
Sunday School Sundays: 9:45AM We have classes for all age groups. Children continue to learn about God in community, engaging with others in respectful and meaningful ways. On Sundays your Sunday School Classes will connect with other children while teaching them biblical truth helping them develop in nurturing ways.
Middle School class is located in the Family Life Center. All other student Sunday School classes are located in the main building. Feel free to ask one of our door greeters for directions!
Children's Church Sundays: 10:45M: Dismissed from sanctuary after worship and before the sermon. We have a children's service for children 10-years-old and younger. We help children recognize their need for God’s grace, for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and begin to see their role in God’s mission to make disciples and multiply churches among all nations.
Our Nursery is available to children ages birth to 2 years and is staffed throughout Sunday services. Feel free to use this service at any time on Sunday mornings!